How deep relaxation can help improve our posture

The Importance of Relaxation and Calm Breathing for Good Posture

Many people think that to have a good posture, we must always be tense and hold ourselves straight with much effort. But actually, it is the opposite! Relaxed muscles allow us to hold ourselves straight, while tight muscles hold us often back.

When our muscles are relaxed, they work in harmony to support our body in a natural and balanced way. Imagine a puppet with strings that are too tight. The puppet cannot move freely and gracefully. But if the strings are just right, the puppet moves smoothly and easily. Our muscles are like those strings. If they are too tight, our movements become stiff and uncomfortable, and our posture suffers.

During meditation as like during a massage treatment, our breath slows down and when we breathe deeply and slowly, our body receives more oxygen, and our nervous system calms down. This relaxation response helps to release tension in our muscles. Let your ribs expand, when you are breathing deeply. But they can only expand if the muscles are not too tight around the ribs and the spine.

Calm breathing also helps us to focus on the present moment. Often, our minds are busy with many thoughts, worries, and plans. This mental tension translates into physical tension, making our muscles tight. By focusing on our breath or just on the pleasant touch of a treatment, we give our mind a break and allow our body to relax. This connection between mind and body is very powerful.

Our brain and nerves control the tightness of our muscles. When we are stressed or anxious, our brain sends signals to our muscles to tighten up. This is a natural response to protect us from danger. But in our modern world, this response is often triggered by everyday stress, leading to chronic tension in our muscles. By practicing relaxation and calm breathing, or receiving a massage regularly , we can train our brain to be more relaxed, reducing unnecessary muscle tension. I definitely can see that in my regular customers happening!

Relaxed muscles allow us to hold ourselves straight and move freely, while tight muscles hold us back. By focusing on our breath, taking time to relax, like receiving also regular massages treatments, or practicing regular exercises like Yoga, Qi Gong or Taiji, we can improve our posture and overall well-being.

Take a few moments each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. You can do this while sitting in a comfortable chair, standing in a relaxed posture, or even lying down. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and feel your body relax with each exhale.


Here are a few points backed by research:

  1. Muscle Tension and Posture: Chronic muscle tension, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders, can lead to poor posture. Studies show that muscle tension can cause misalignment of the spine and other joints, leading to discomfort and poor posture .
  2. Relaxation Techniques and Posture Improvement: Research has demonstrated that relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can reduce muscle tension and improve posture. A study published in the journal “Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice” found that relaxation and breathing exercises helped reduce muscle tension and improved posture in individuals with chronic pain .
  3. Massage Therapy: Regular massage therapy has been shown to reduce muscle tension and improve posture. A study in the “International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork” found that massage therapy helped decrease muscle stiffness and improved spinal alignment, leading to better posture .
  4. Proprioception and Posture: Proprioception, the body’s ability to sense its position in space, is crucial for maintaining good posture. Muscle relaxation enhances proprioception by allowing the muscles to function optimally without unnecessary tension. A study published in “Neuroscience Letters” showed that proprioceptive training, which often includes relaxation techniques, improved postural control and balance .
  5. The Role of the Nervous System: The autonomic nervous system regulates muscle tone and tension. Chronic stress can lead to increased muscle tension due to prolonged activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Relaxation techniques activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting muscle relaxation and better posture. A study in the “Journal of Physical Therapy Science” highlighted the benefits of relaxation techniques in reducing muscle tension and improving postural alignment .

In summary, scientific research supports the notion that relaxed muscles contribute to better posture. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and massage therapy help reduce muscle tension, enhance proprioception, and improve postural alignment.



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  4. Goble, D.J., & Anguin, T. (2007). Proprioceptive feedback and postural control in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 417(3), 155-158.
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